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Technological Surrealism / Alec Nerds Out


NickelbannerNickelmatic is an automated Nickelback lyric generator. All Nickelback songs being more or less equivalent, this project takes the band to its logical conclusion by statistically generating new lyrics based on the existing corpus. Judge for yourself how the results compare against the original works.

and in the desert, come on!
dressed up like this
please god, don't let it slide
and all my friends
drink up, fall down, we'll do it again no i don't get 'em wrong
'cause you look so much cuter with something in your mouth!
'cause nobody wants to feel loved
too hard to say it, time to the playboy mansion
i can simply trade
and a big black jet with a girl thats wrong for me than i'd rather die
and you run away
what you do, because of you
the last one there
leave it all day long who will be
yours and
and now, this i vow
he's drunk again, it's time to run through fields
to you
and if you're tagging along
'cause we'll be doing this till six in the ditch
i'm not about to kiss
god, why'd you take both sets of keys
and decide with all of my friends
drink up, fall down, we'll do it
feel like someone cares
someone to love with a hickory switch
well, thanks for stopping this beating in my way
remember the old corn field
and you leave here limping
just to figure you out

Suggested reading: Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, Chorus. Power chords, 4/4 time. Optional key change near the end.

Reload the page to generate a new song.

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One Comment

  1. Uh huh huh, I can totally hhhhuhuhuheaar it!

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